Inner- to Inter communication
The following are some of the recent workshops and webinars I have facilitated that focus on what I refer to as inner- to inter-communication. The term inner-communication emphasizes the importance of first reflecting internally through guided activities before engaging inter-communication to share who we are, what has shaped us, how we see the world, and who we are becoming. Contact me with any questions and to discuss developing workshops that meet the needs of your community.
Dartmouth College,
global leadership
In this collaboration with the Rockefeller Center for Global Leadership at Dartmouth College, we developed and facilitated a workshop over three semesters with three different groups of students. The workshops utilized roleplay, mindfulness exercises, journaling, and dialogue toward a deeper understanding of how we can become more mindful communicators and leaders. This is an excellent workshop for any academic or professional setting. Click the following link for an article we published with TESOL International that discusses the workshop, Cultivating Inner- and Inter-Cultural Connections, Leadership, and Wellbeing.
As a member and former Chair of TESOL International's Intercultural Interest Section (ICIS), I have been invited to lead webinars on approaches to apply inner- to inter-communication with students, teachers, and professional colleagues. To view a webinar where I present this approach, please click here.

Exploring and Expressing Culture through Project-Based Learning
My article Exploring and Expressing Culture Through Project-Based Learning published in ENGLISH TEACHING FORUM presents authentic, collaborative activities that help students reflect on their own culture and explore other cultures to promote critical thinking and mutual understanding. To view the article, please click here.